Trickster MOD Kernel Settings Apk v1.9.471
Trickster MOD Kernel Settings Apk v1.9.471
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This app requires:
- GALAXY NEXUS (toro, maguro, toroplus)
- Nexus 7 (grouper)and Nexus 7 3G (tipalia)
- Nexus 4 (preliminary support)
- HTC Incredible S (vivo)
- HTC One X International (endeavoru; preliminary support)
- Qualcomm based Galaxy SIII (preliminary support)
Whats New:
Version 1.9.471 (20121209)
- Add official support for N4 and N7 3G
- Add N4 color control (UV will come later)
- Add N7 LP Core Max Freq, LP Core Vol, RAM Vol, GPU Vol Control
- Remove mandatory check for unsupported devices so the app will run